
Daily Bread

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

This is such a great verse because it reminds me of how important it is to read and study the Bible. It is our instruction manual for life, our daily bread.

Daily Bread, The Word,
The Good Book, 
The Bible

Whatever you want to call it, I NEED it.

 The more I immerse myself in the Word, the closer I feel to God. The closer I feel to God, the more Christlike I want to be. Not as in being perfect, but as in loving, compassionate, patient, gracious, obedient, joyful, kind, understanding, etc. Things I have majorly lacked in through the years, and I mean majorly. I wish this wasn't true but it is. I know I will still sin but the hope is that I will be more conscious of what I'm doing. To take my thoughts captive. The main goal is to hopefully break the chains that bind me to my sin, even if it a little at a time. I just keep trying. I know I will never be perfect and that is not what I'm aiming for....just better than what I was before. Thank you God, for your new mercies every morning and for redeeming me.

I just recently read James 1:13-15 which explains that once desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death. Unfortunately I am a sinner born into a broken world that's why I need God's grace through Christ. That's why I need my Bible to navigate my journey.

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