
Tot School - Ocean / Creation Day 2

 Last week we had a successful Tot School with an ocean theme. The books that we read this week are Commotion in the Ocean and Water Sings Blue.  Sissy is loving her Tot Trays and special activities. She got to use a glue stick for the first time and really enjoyed making her first collage.

 She's never lined up the animals from her puzzle like this before.


 Learning to pick up after herself.

 She actually learned to bead using these small beads, she was really able to see what was happening instead of the with the large wooden beads. She was very determined with this activity.

 Baby Guy got in on the action of course with his farm toys.

Besides the ocean books that we read this week, this is the only other ocean theme activity we did. This is the Ocean Animals Tot Book from 1+1+1=1. She was able to name all of the animals, numbers and letter. She even counted the animals in the number book. Here she is drawing a red crab on the front of the book.

For the creation day 2 activity Sissy glued some cotton balls onto a blue piece of paper for the clouds and sky. No picture sorry. Again we listened to Songs for Saplings: 123. We also did many other activities through out the week. As I share more Tot School weeks I want to share more of what we do through out the days.

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