
blog numero uno

This first blog won't be much. Today so far I've only managed to get this blog going and drink alot of coffee. But I wanted to post something. I plan on this blog being about everyday life, my crafting, baking and being a mama. The simple pleasures in life. Recently my life has changed drastically. I went from commuting 1+ hours daily, working 40+ hours a week at a job I loved but a boss that didn't love me, living in a part of town and house that my husband and I hated ~ to commuting from my bedroom to the living room, being a stay at home mama to a boss that can't live without me and finally living in the country closer to family. We've made huge sacrifices to get here, but the dark clouds are lifting and we're finally happy living a nice, quiet, simple life. The lessons I've learned in the past year are priceless and I thank God everyday for blessing us.

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